Board Mentoring

Mentoring Senior Leaders and Teams to Enable Growth and Self Development

Our view is that mentoring is a facilitative, one-to-one relationship between a professional mentor and a key contributor who normally has a senior position in the organisation. The work is put in place for the benefit of an individual who is usually accountable for complex decisions and inter-relationships with a wide scope of impact in an organisation. The focus of the sessions is usually upon personal, professional and organisational performance or development to enable leadership and growth.

We prepare for each meeting, run the session for about an hour using a defined mentoring process and then write up notes for each individual to use and reflect upon in their own time. We have found that senior people really value this part of our offer; it provides a record of the discussion and agreed next steps - and helps turn commitment into action!

Initially we would recommend 6 sessions over 5 to 6 months, followed by a review at this time.

For Teams: We welcome the opportunity to support leadership teams and our approach can provide the nutrients for team development and growth. In doing this we often undertake psychometric analysis and mentoring in parallel. This approach can provide a useful new language for leadership teams and enable individuals to relate to and work with, their colleagues more effectively through mutual understanding.


Board Mentoring

The answers lie within, let’s draw them out
to enable action, development and growth.

The answers lie within, let’s draw them out to enable action,
development and growth.